Your order has been received.

  • Order number: 7409
  • Date: October 31, 2022
  • Total: $600.00
  • Payment method: Credit Card (Stripe)

Order details

Product Total
Premium Local SEO Solution 3 Months Subscription × 1 $600.00
Subtotal: $600.00
Payment method: Credit Card (Stripe)
Total: $600.00

Related subscriptions

After Ordering Instructions

  • Update the thread with comments along the lines of…. ” Premium Service ordered‘ etc.
  • Send your order details at
  • Provide us the Information Required *.
  • Your Order Number
  • Your Email Address For Reports

Disclaimer: We take the freedom of choosing who we want to do business with and the freedom of rejecting any campaigns to prevent possible scams and problems.

Information Required

NAPW Details (Compulsory)


  • First URL:
    • 5 Related keywords
    • 2 Additional keywords for Tags
  • Second URL:
    • 5 Related keywords
    • 2 Additional keywords for Tags
  • Third URL:
    • 5 Related keywords
    • 2 Additional keywords for Tags

Citation Details

  • Company Owner/Contact Person:
    Business Name (use the EXACT company name as in MyCompany, Inc. consistently across all submissions. Do not mix it up with variations like MyCompany, LLC or MyCompany Corp. or just MyCompany):
  • Street Address:
  • Suite/Office (if any):
  • City:
  • State:
  • Zip/Postal Code:
  • Business Primary Phone Number:
  • Toll Free # (if any):
  • Fax# (if any):
  • Business Category #1 (at least one is required):
  • Business Category #2:
  • Business Category #3:
  • Website Address:
  • Primary Email Address :
  • Secondary Email Address (if any):
  • Brands you sell or use (if any):
  • Products/Services – comma separated up to 200 characters :
  • Year Established:
  • Hours of Operation:
  • Languages Spoken:
  • Payment Methods Accepted:
  • Tagline (if any):
  • Company logo: (have a digital copy handy to add to sites that ask for it and/or have a URL for one)
  • Service Areas (cities, counties states or radius from your office – e.g within 50 miles of my office):
  • Contractor#/License# (if any) :
  • Business Images (have handy some examples of your work that you can add to the listings and/or have a URLs for them) :
  • Company owner picture (have a digital copy handy to add to sites that ask for it and/or have a URL for it):
  • Video URL’s – (if you have a YouTube account, get the code for any videos that you would like to include on your site:
  • Short description of your business  no more than 200 characters
  • Long description of your business  length varies by website

Log in Details

Gmail Account – ImportantPlease click here to read the instructions carefully.

  • To set Google Analytics & Webmaster
  • To set Google properties like Google Site, Google DOCS, Google Photos, Google SpreadSheet, Google Drawing, Google Drive, and more

Bing Log in details

  • To set Bing Webmasters Setup
  • To set Bing Business account

Other Social accounts.

Note – Send Us the above Login details to If you don’t have the details, then we will set the account.

On-Page Optimization

What Do You need from me?

Please Check Information Required.

1. Content Management System Log in Details (CMS Log in details)

Your site should be in WordPress, Weebly, Magento, Joomla etc. We need Admin Access For On page SEO & Site SEO.

2. Cpanel Log in details Or FTP Access (For Image Optimization, .Htaccess, Site Map & Robot.txt)

Don’t hesitate. We are here to FIX Your website.

3. Content For Your Website. Important. Please read carefully.

While we take care of writing articles for link building and Web2.0 submissions, unfortunately we DO NOT write business content for your website. This order does not include such content writing scope. However, if you need help in writing professional content for your website, please let us know. We have tie-ups with professional writers. There will have an additional cost. The cost will be a flat fee of $100 for a 500 words killer content and with unlimited revisions. Please drop us a note if you need help on this. 

Articles For Your Website. Important.
  1. One article per search term you want to rank, example: “Dentists in Orlando” (Silo Site Structure & Optimized Each Page with SEO Score of 75% to 90%).
  2. We Need Articles Of 1000 to 1500 words, with Keyword Density of 2% For Home page
  3. We Need Articles Of 500 to 600 words, with Keyword Density of 2% For inside pages or posts.

Silo Site Structure

  • Home Page
  • Home Page ->  link to Article page 1
  • Article Page 1-> link to Home Page and Article page 2
  • Article Page 2-> link to Home Page and Article page 3
  • Article Page 3-> link to Home Page and Article page 4
  • Article Page 4-> link to Home Page

If Your Site Has Enough Content Already, We will NOT Require Additional Articles or Content. We will Simply Optimize Your site using the Existing Content.

You can write articles on your own. Or You can hire excellent writers at,,, or any other marketplace.